单位重量 of 混凝土


In order to measure the unit weight of concrete, certain equipment is needed for accuracy. It is important to know your bulk unit weight of concrete to determine the strength, 和易性, and durability of concrete.

洪堡’s concrete measures help in determining unit weight of fine, coarse or mixed aggregates, and are water-tight with true and even top and bottom.

花样的盘子 are used to perform various volume and mass determinations in aggregate and concrete testing.

尺度 are also an obvious choice for measuring the weight of concrete. 洪堡 offers a bench scale and portable scale.

洪堡 provides a wide selection of unit weight equipment from several manufacturers to choose from. If you have questions or need help selecting equipment, please call us at 1.800.544.7220或使用我们的 问洪堡 form.

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